The Canceled Fox Pilot That Led Andrew Shue To Melrose Place


The 1993 pilot for Shue’s “Gulf City” was, like many pilots, eventually broadcast as a TV movie, although little information seems to exist online as to its content or its current whereabouts. IMDb only notes that Shue starred, that it was filmed in Florida, and that it was about a pair of undercover cops who live with one of their sisters. If you have an old VHS recording of “Gulf City,” take care of it, as no online copies seem to exist.

As Shue told it, he decided to try his hand at acting on a whim. His sister, Elisabeth Shue, was already successful in her craft, so perhaps he wanted to try his hand at the family business. Shue, in a very laidback fashion, recalled his path to “Melrose Place” and how it had to necessarily take a detour through “Gulf City.” He admitted that he got both jobs merely because other actors had already dropped out:

“I’d just moved to Los Angeles in February 1992, not too long after spending a year in Africa, and decided to try acting. Fox brought me in for a Spelling pilot called ‘Gulf City’ after they decided they didn’t like the guys they’d already cast. I also got an audition for this show called ‘Melrose Place,’ but never even got a callback. Then, ‘Gulf City’ was canceled and the next day I heard they fired a guy from ‘Melrose.’ I got the call saying that they were auditioning new people and could I come out to Aaron Spelling’s and help with the readings. I thought I was just doing a favor.”

After doing this little favor, Spelling approached Shue and told him “You got the part, kid. You start on Monday.” His biggest gig was set.

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