How A Largely Forgotten Stephen King Movie Sequel Does What The Original Never Could

How A Largely Forgotten Stephen King Movie Sequel Does What The Original Never Could


According to Fangoria, “The Rage: Carrie 2” was inspired by the real-life Spur Posse, a group of male high schoolers who categorized their assaults of underage girls with points. While the bullies in Brian De Palma’s adaptation of “Carrie” are certainly cruel and their actions deeply traumatizing — throwing tampons at Carrie, tricking her into going to prom with Tommy, and dumping pig’s blood on her — these are immature pranks. In “The Rage: Carrie 2,” the bullies are actual predators who manipulate young girls into having sex, often for the first time, then callously discard them.

They brag about how they purposefully shower these girls with affection and the promises of a committed relationship, even though they regard them as nothing more than a “pump” or a “nut.” The football players have zero respect for these women and the deep feelings they often harbor. The boys joke that their idea of love is just “fifteen seconds of squishing noises.” As a result of their vicious treatment, Rachel’s best friend throws herself off the school roof, while many others are left emotionally devastated. When Sue Snell tells the football coach about this epidemic of despondent girls, he brushes it off, insisting that there is “nothing illegal about breaking a girl’s heart.” 

“The Rage: Carrie 2” has a larger scope than the original “Carrie,” depicting how men in power keep the wheels of misogyny turning. The football players are easily able to shrug off any statutory rape charges because it would be too “damaging” for their sports career. This brings to mind countless true cases, such as Brock Turner, where young men’s athletic success mattered more than the sexual crimes they committed. The scene gives “The Rage: Carrie 2” significant real-world impact.

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