Aquaman Is A Superhero Dad In The New Aquaman And The Lost Kingdom Trailer

Aquaman Is A Superhero Dad In The New Aquaman And The Lost Kingdom Trailer


The sight of Arthur and his son is enough to instantly make DC Comics fans sweat in fear. After all, before Momoa turned Arthur Curry into a badass, the biggest attempt by DC to remove the character from his goofy “Super Friends” reputation was with — you guessed it — a gritty and dark storyline where Black Manta kidnaps and ultimately kills Aquaman’s infant son. Decades later, Aquaman got an edgy ’90s reboot where he loses a hand and replaces it with a cool harpoon.

The death of Aquaman’s baby may seem too dark a storyline for even Zack Snyder to do, but it was a storyline Jeff Nichols took inspiration from when he pitched his own “Aquaman” movie to Warner Bros. Now, does the inclusion of a son mean that Wan’s “Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom” will feature the brutal death of a child? Probably not. Given Wan’s horror roots, however, it’s possible he will at least tease fans with that danger during the movie.

“Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom” hits theaters on December 22, 2023.

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